How To Meditate


Life is full of stressors, whether it be stress developed internally or externally. Things may come up that could be truly unnerving and throw your mood off entirely but there are ways to navigate around these circumstances to be at ease. Some people believe exercise provides great relief while others find that journaling or reading can bring back true balance. One method that many believe to be a key when distressing is the act of meditating. Meditation is defined as “a practice where an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness, or focusing the mind on an object, thought or activity – to train attention and awareness and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state.” Some find that focusing on their breathing in an ideal environment will bring forth the power of meditation and enlightenment in some cases, while others find that gardening or other tasks is a form of their own meditation. Regardless of the action or process, meditating can be helpful so here are some pointers, tips & tricks when it comes to meditation.

As mentioned previously, meditation can come in a variety of forms. Whether meditating alone or with a group, understand first the essential forms of meditation:

  • Guided meditation. Sometimes called visualization, this method of meditation forms mental images of places or situations you find relaxing.

  • Mantra meditation. In this meditation, you silently repeat a calming word, thought or phrase to prevent distractions.

  • Mindfulness meditation. This meditation is based on being mindful, or having an increased awareness and acceptance of living in the moment.

  • Qi gong. This practice generally combines meditation, relaxation, physical movement and breathing exercises to restore and maintain balance.

  • Tai chi. This is a form of gentle Chinese martial arts. In tai chi (TIE-CHEE), you perform a self-paced series of postures or movements in a slow, graceful manner while practicing deep breathing.

  • Yoga. You perform a series of postures and controlled breathing exercises to promote a more flexible body and a calm mind. As you move through poses that require balance and concentration, you're encouraged to focus less on your busy day and more on the moment.

Throughout these varying types of meditation, the basis of the functions remains the same. While meditating in any technique, try this variety of strategies for a more fruitful experience:

  • Focus on your breath Start your meditation by taking several deep breaths. Try to focus your mind on your breathing and feel how each breath affects your body. Your breath will be your guide throughout meditation.

  • Do a body scan Take a moment to focus on each part of your body. Feel your arms at your side, your feet on the floor and your seat in the chair. Assess how you feel in each area.

  • Evaluate your energy Think about how you're feeling today in the moment. Are you tired or energetic? If you feel like you have low energy, what might be draining it? Consider what might be causing you to lose sleep or is taking too much of your mental space. Then, figure out what you can do to either reduce the problem or cut it out completely.

  • Practice gratitude Start your meditation on a positive note by thinking about three things you are grateful for. By focusing on the things you love about your life, you'll recognize why your life is good and become happier.

  • Choose a mantra Mantra meditation is a way for us to control those thoughts and feelings around a central idea. By choosing and repeating a mantra during your meditation, you can set intentions based on your goals and what you want to accomplish in your day and in your life.

  • Reflect on the day Try to find at least one lesson or takeaway that you can reflect on. Then figure out how you can take that lesson and carry it into the next day.

  • Reflect on the past week At the beginning of every week, make it a point to reflect on the previous week. What problems did you encounter and how did you resolve them? Is there anything you are still holding onto? Think about letting the issue go so that you can enter the new week with a clean slate and a fresh mind.

  • Think about what you can do for others Meditate on the areas you need to improve. How can you improve in a way that will benefit others' lives and not just your own? One small act of kindness a day can make a huge difference. Think about what you can do to help those around you who you are close with and those who are strangers to you.

  • Focus on your personal fulfillment Don't get too caught up in what you must do, though. Take the time to assess your life and ask yourself if you feel fulfilled. If you don't, try to figure out what you can do to be more fulfilled and enjoy your life more.

  • Think about what inspires you Open your mind up to new ideas as you meditate. You never know where your next big one will come from. As you meditate, focus your thoughts on the things that inspire you. This might be articles or books you've read, people who you admire or something completely random. Whatever it is, think about why it inspires you and see if it sparks some creativity.

Meditation can be fruitful if done properly and regularly after practicing as much as possible. Try to take at least 30 minutes of your day to find your quiet place or whatever technique you feel suits you best then begin meditating. You’ll find over time that stress and anxiety will be reduced, followed by a renewed sense of direction. Once you achieve meditative highs, you may find your true self!


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