How To Keep Healthy Relationships

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In 2021, we’ve experienced growth as a society. Given the outcome of the previous calendar year, many things hung in the balance. Health was under constant supervision in order to keep not only ourselves healthy but those around us healthy. Environmental efforts were undertaken to limit our carbon footprint so we can develop a healthy future on Earth. Even our sociocultural norms were put to the test, as we tried to find value in one another. In a more specific way, relationships we have with those closest to us were constantly tested because of the distance we kept but as of now we’ve been able to see the fruits of our labor truly blossoming. Relationships are an integral part of all of our lives, from our family & friends to more intimate relationships.

Relationships are important to our physical and mental health, and are now more important than ever as we head toward the holiday season. But what defines a relationship and what does it mean to keep them healthy? We can define a relationship as “the way in which two or more people/groups regard and behave toward each other.” In its purest form, a relationship is essentially the connection between you and others. The relationship you have with your parents, your friends, your coworkers and your significant other all vary in terms of how you may communicate or act in certain settings. You may have certain hobbies you carry specifically with your mother or father that you may not partake in with your coworkers and vice versa. Everything, in this sense, is about limitations and setting boundaries that are acceptable for all parties.

So how can a relationship be healthy physically & mentally? Try group activities with your family or friend group like running, or playing sports. Even gardening or household activities like cleaning can help connect and develop positivity for everyone involved. If you’re able to make time to enjoy these activities with others, it may also lead to time to talk about certain things in regard to their/your mental health. Maybe you’ve been dealing with mental health troubles or a grievance you have with whomever you’re speaking with. Taking the time to speak about an issue with someone can not only relieve stress & anxiety but allowing them or yourself to open up will provide an additional boost in morale and bring you closer.

Keeping a healthy relationship can be done through a variety of ways but there should be a foundation of mental notes for yourself to keep during the tenure of your relationship. Here’s a few to practice and keep note of:

1.   Keep expectations realistic with one another. 

2.   Communication is key. 

3.   Be flexible in regard to growth and change. 

4.   Take care of yourself as much as you take care of the relationship. 

5.   Be dependable.

6.   If conflict arises, fight fair. 

  • Cool down if tension gets worse.

  • Use “I statements.”

  • Keep your dialogue clear and specific.

  • Focus on the current issue, not previous or future ones.

  • Take responsibility for your mistakes.

  • Understand some problems aren’t easily fixed.

7.   Show positive affirmation. 

8.   Keep balance for all relationships. 

9.   Remember that relationships are a process. 

10.   Be yourself!

As we continue to grow within ourselves and understand who we are, we must take in consideration that everyone is on their own journey. By keeping our loved ones close, we should continue to practice self-love as well as love for others. We can keep relationships healthy by gaining an understanding for what everyone wants out of the relationship and be open to change. Respecting another’s opinions and keeping in mind that we are all very different from one another will keep the connection we have with our partner, friend of family member positive and in good shape.


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