How To Keep Healthy Relationships
In 2021, we’ve experienced growth as a society. Given the outcome of the previous calendar year, many things hung in the balance. Health was under constant supervision in order to keep not only ourselves healthy but those around us healthy.
Exercise: The Impact On Your Physical & Mental Health
It is known that exercise helps your body physically, but did you know it can help you mentally? Exercise has been proven to help boost your mood and reduce stress. In one study provided by the American Psychological Association, it was found that those that got regular exercise were 25 percent less likely to develop depression or an anxiety disorder than individuals who are less active. So how exactly does exercise do this? Let’s start off by taking a dive into how exercising affects your brain.
The Silent Pandemic: Mental Health During The COVID-19 Pandemic
The year 2020 brought on hardship in the form of COVID-19 and its new normal. Quarantine, Social Distancing, and Stay at Home orders turned general social norms on their respective heads and in doing so changed how our future will look in the short-term.